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- #include <lib/std.mi>
- #include <lib/config.mi>
- Function updateVisCmd();
- Function updateOpenCloseDirection();
- // this implements the main app drawer
- #include "drawer.m"
- // this loads the skin config attributes definitions
- #include "attribs.m"
- Global Layout main, shade;
- Global Container maincontainer;
- Global Group frameGroup, ButtonsVideo,ButtonsVis,ButtonsVideoDetach,ButtonsVisDetach,ButtonsVideoSwitchto,ButtonsVisSwitchto;
- Global Button btnOpen,btnClose,btnMaximize,btnRestore, btnVisDetach, btnVideoDetach, btnVisSwitchto, btnVideoSwitchto;
- Global Layer resizer,resizerDrawer,OpenCloseHider;
- Global GuiObject VideoVisGroup;
- Global Int evershown;
- Global Int ismaximized;
- Global Int lasttotop;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // script startup
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- System.onScriptLoaded() {
- // init skin attributes for this script
- initAttribs();
- // bind objects
- frameGroup = getScriptGroup();
- btnOpen = frameGroup.findObject("videoavs.open");
- btnClose = frameGroup.findObject("videoavs.close");
- btnMaximize = frameGroup.findObject("button.vid.max");
- btnRestore = frameGroup.findObject("button.vid.restore");
- resizer = frameGroup.findObject("player.main.resizer");
- resizerDrawer = frameGroup.findObject("drawer.resizer");
- ButtonsVideo = frameGroup.findObject("buttons.video");
- ButtonsVis = frameGroup.findObject("buttons.vis");
- ButtonsVideoDetach = frameGroup.findObject("buttons.video.detach");
- ButtonsVisDetach = frameGroup.findObject("buttons.vis.detach");
- BtnVisDetach = ButtonsVisDetach.findObject("button.vis.detach");
- BtnVideoDetach = ButtonsVideoDetach.findObject("button.vid.detach");
- ButtonsVideoSwitchto = frameGroup.findObject("buttons.video.switchto");
- ButtonsVisSwitchto = frameGroup.findObject("buttons.vis.switchto");
- BtnVisSwitchto = ButtonsVisSwitchto.findObject("button.vis.Switchto");
- BtnVideoSwitchto = ButtonsVideoSwitchto.findObject("button.vid.Switchto");
- OpenCloseHider=frameGroup.findObject("openclosehider");
- main = frameGroup.getParentLayout();
- maincontainer = main.getContainer();
- VideoVisGroup = frameGroup.findObject("AVSGroup");
- VideoVisGroup.hide();
- // bind drawer script attribs to our attribs
- __drawer_directiontop_attrib = drawer_directiontop_attrib;
- __scrolldrawerattrib = scrolldrawerattrib;
- __drawer_directionbypass_attrib = drawer_directionbypass_attrib;
- __vis_detach_attrib = vis_detach_attrib;
- __video_detach_attrib = video_detach_attrib;
- // startup drawer script
- initDrawer(main, "VideoAVS");
- // more init
- if (vis_detach_attrib.getData() == "1" && video_detach_attrib.getData() == "1") OpenCloseHider.show();
- else OpenCloseHider.hide();
- lasttotop = 0;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // grab a handle to the windowshade layout, can't get it in onScriptLoaded since it doesn't exists yet
- // also, first time we are shown, we update the viscmd button's action
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- main.onSetVisible(int show) {
- if (!evershown) {
- evershown = 1;
- if (!shade) {
- shade = maincontainer.getLayout("shade");
- }
- updateVisCmd();
- updateOpenCloseDirection();
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // script shutdown
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- System.onScriptUnloading() {
- // shutdown the drawer script
- shutdownDrawer();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // drawer script backend
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Int getDrawerClosedHeight() {
- return 280; // this is the size of the layout when the drawer is closed
- }
- Int getDefaultDrawerOpenHeight() {
- return 510; // this is the default size of the layout, used when it opens the first time
- }
- // whenever the main window is resized while its drawer is closed, we change the height of the drawer the
- // next time it opens so that video will fit 4:3
- Int getDrawerOpenAutoHeight(int layoutwidth) {
- return (layoutwidth-6)*(3/4)+55+270;
- }
- WindowHolder getVisWindowHolder() {
- WindowHolder wh = getScriptGroup().findObject("myviswnd");
- return wh; // we return our vis windowholder object
- }
- WindowHolder getVideoWindowHolder() {
- WindowHolder wh = getScriptGroup().findObject("myvideownd");
- return wh; // we return our video windowholder object
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // optional drawer events
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- onDoneOpeningDrawer() {
- // nothing to do
- }
- onDoneClosingDrawer() {
- VideoVisGroup.hide();
- }
- onBeforeOpeningDrawer() {
- resizer.setXmlParam("resize", "bottomright");
- resizerDrawer.setXmlParam("resize", "bottomright");
- btnOpen.hide();
- main.setXmlParam("minimum_h", "380");
- VideoVisGroup.show();
- }
- onBeforeClosingDrawer() {
- resizer.setXmlParam("resize", "right");
- resizerDrawer.setXmlParam("resize", "right");
- main.setXmlParam("minimum_h", "280");
- btnOpen.show();
- }
- onShowVis() {
- ButtonsVideo.hide();
- ButtonsVideoDetach.hide();
- ButtonsVideoSwitchto.hide();
- ButtonsVis.show();
- ButtonsVisDetach.show();
- if (video_detach_attrib.getData() == "0") ButtonsVisSwitchto.show();
- }
- onHideVis() {
- ButtonsVis.hide();
- ButtonsVisDetach.hide();
- ButtonsVisSwitchto.hide();
- }
- onShowVideo() {
- ButtonsVis.hide();
- ButtonsVisDetach.hide();
- ButtonsVisSwitchto.hide();
- ButtonsVideo.show();
- ButtonsVideoDetach.show();
- if (vis_detach_attrib.getData() == "0") ButtonsVideoSwitchto.show();
- }
- onHideVideo() {
- ButtonsVideo.hide();
- ButtonsVideoDetach.hide();
- ButtonsVideoSwitchto.hide();
- }
- onDetachVideo() {
- ButtonsVisSwitchto.hide();
- if (vis_detach_attrib.getData() == "1") OpenCloseHider.show();
- }
- onAttachVideo() {
- ButtonsVisSwitchto.show();
- OpenCloseHider.hide();
- }
- onDetachVis() {
- ButtonsVideoSwitchto.hide();
- if (video_detach_attrib.getData() == "1") OpenCloseHider.show();
- }
- onAttachVis() {
- ButtonsVideoSwitchto.show();
- OpenCloseHider.hide();
- }
- onBeforeRestore() {
- btnMaximize.show();
- btnRestore.hide();
- }
- onBeforeMaximize() {
- btnRestore.show();
- btnMaximize.hide();
- }
- onCancelMaximize() {
- btnMaximize.show();
- btnRestore.hide();
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // drawer control
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- btnOpen.onLeftClick() {
- openDrawer();
- }
- btnClose.onLeftClick() {
- closeDrawer();
- }
- btnMaximize.onLeftClick() {
- maximizeWindow();
- }
- btnRestore.onLeftClick() {
- restoreWindow();
- }
- BtnVisDetach.onLeftClick() {
- detachVis();
- }
- BtnVideoDetach.onLeftClick() {
- detachVideo();
- }
- BtnVisSwitchto.onLeftClick() {
- switchToVideo();
- }
- BtnVideoSwitchto.onLeftClick() {
- switchToVis();
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // when the player window is moved on the screen, we should update the up/down arrow for the open/close buttons since the
- // drawer may have changed the direction it will open depending on user settings
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- main.onMove() {
- updateOpenCloseDirection();
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // just invert the images when the direction is to top and restore them otherwise
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- updateOpenCloseDirection() {
- if (isDrawerToTop()) {
- if (!lasttotop) {
- btnClose.setXmlParam("image", "player.button.videoavs");
- btnClose.setXmlParam("downimage", "player.button.videoavs.pressed");
- btnClose.setXmlParam("hoverImage", "player.button.videoavs.hover");
- btnOpen.setXmlParam("image", "player.button.videoavs.up");
- btnOpen.setXmlParam("downimage", "player.button.videoavs.up.pressed");
- btnOpen.setXmlParam("hoverImage", "player.button.videoavs.up.hover");
- lasttotop = 1;
- }
- } else {
- if (lasttotop) {
- btnOpen.setXmlParam("image", "player.button.videoavs");
- btnOpen.setXmlParam("downimage", "player.button.videoavs.pressed");
- btnOpen.setXmlParam("hoverImage", "player.button.videoavs.hover");
- btnClose.setXmlParam("image", "player.button.videoavs.up");
- btnClose.setXmlParam("downimage", "player.button.videoavs.up.pressed");
- btnClose.setXmlParam("hoverImage", "player.button.videoavs.up.hover");
- lasttotop = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- updateVisCmd() {
- Button btn = getScriptGroup().findObject("button.vis.misc");
- if (btn) {
- if (viscmd_menu_attrib.getData() == "1") {
- btn.setXmlParam("action", "Vis_Menu");
- } else {
- btn.setXmlParam("action", "Vis_Cfg");
- }
- }
- }